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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Equipment for orpailler and find gold

What tools am I going to use to find gold flakes? Frisbee and many more still, pans and various Pan American gold mining for leisure or competition
If this is the pan, you should also know that it is known as the Chinese hat, because of its shape. The pan has nothing to do with a sieve, contrary to popular belief. The screen is a tool to move the big rocks but a vulgar screened barbecue grill big enough to filter the alluvial materials. As for the pan, remember that date of the Cimarron and he is American: the conquerors simply used them to skillet orpailler. So it is a stove, deprived of its tail, the edges being higher to increase its capacity. The choice of the utensil is the taste of each.   
With practice and experience you'll even see that it is possible to look for gold with everything we have at hand that closely or remotely to a bowl: as a Frisbee or a plate. Often this equipment alone is sufficient to find gold but it will be easier to cover contingencies of place and chose to have other support tools.
gold panning equipment, sluice box, pan, pan, shovel ...
In addition to pans, sluices and drilling, gold prospectors still use basic hammers and chisels to locate hidden deposits. Modern electronic equipment such as imaging machines and metal detectors help prospectors locate gold deep in the earth, reducing labor-intensive digging and drilling.

Finally, only the tubes to collect the gold flakes (our advice: use of plastic pipes on the ground, it prevents any breakage, the risk of losing your straw and leave broken glass dangerous for all).A magnet, a hand lens are other small objects to appreciate its malignant findings.To recover the mineral concentrates and sands at the bottom of heavy pan or the pan, ideally using a pipette, also called the "aspirator".And pretty glass tubes to keep at home to watch and then categorize your collection of gold (gold flakes distributed by type of river or gold flakes of different sizes).

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